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Over 25 of years experience in Education Communication ResearchResume

Over 25 years of experience in Education Communication Research (including JMI and IGNOU) and over two decades of experience in the field of Development Communication. I have been involved closely with various ICT experiments and interventions in educational communication in the country.

As the co-coordinator of the Ph.D Prog. in SOJNMS, I have been responsible for Coursework Syllabus Development. I have been involved in feedback research, course development coordination, course writing (SIMs), 'pilot' testing new technologies e.g. WorldSpace Radio, Authoringware Software, etc. besides assisting in the conceptualization of new initiatives and supporting administrative and policy.

I have double Masters in Zoology (Delhi University) and Distance Education (IGNOU, in addition to PG Diploma in Science Journalism from AJKMCRC, Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI).

I have a Ph.D in Education from VMOU kota, Rajasthan. The topic of my Ph.D thesis was "SITE to EDUSAT: Study of Application of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Higher Education & Training in India”.

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